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Leadership Diagnostics

Our focus on Emotional Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence and Generational Intelligence in shaping a leader ready for the future. To develop people in each of these areas, we use a range of world-class leadership assessment tools including EQ-i 2.0, CQ, MBTI, Gallup Strengths, Team Management Systems (TMS), The Leadership Circle (TLC) and Organisational Culture Survey,.

Many of these assessments not only engage an individual's self reflection, but draw on 360° feedback for more powerful insights. We then work with each leader to use the assessment profile insights to crystallise clear goals for effective and targeted one-on-one coaching, group coaching and/or team workshops. The individual and collective transformation that occurs through profiling, coaching and workshops can have greater impact in the workplace when teams explore how they can work more effectively together. 

Cultural Intelligence (CQi)

Cultural Intelligence (CQi)

Culturally intelligent people are not only aware of cultural differences but can also effectively work and relate with people and projects across different cultural contexts including national, ethnic and organisational.


The Future Leader Group offers CQ Assessments through the global Cultural Intelligence Centre to measure an individual’s capability for working and relating across cultures. Participants complete the assessment online and receive a personalised feedback report that compares their CQ with the worldwide norms.


The CQ Report contains the participant’s own self-report results, in addition to ratings from those belonging to various rater groups including:

  • Manager

  • Peers

  • Direct Reports

  • Friends/Family

Through a coaching conversation, we then help participants interpret the feedback and guide them through the process of creating a personal CQ Development Plan.


Organisations receive group reports that summarise the scores for an overall group of participants, compare these scores with the world-wide norms, and offer suggestions for how to use the feedback.


The Future Leader offers CQ Assessments tailored for different workplace settings:

  • Professional

  • Academic

  • Faith-based

  • Youth

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

(MBTI Type 1 & 2)

Myer-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed." – CARL JUNG


Leaders who understand their own personality type can build greater self-awareness and self-acceptance and improve communication, conflict resolution and stress management.


The Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is an introspective
self-report questionnaire that indicates the differing psychological preferences in how people perceive the world around them and make decisions. 

Based on research by psychologist Carl Jung, MBTI is an easy-to-understand set of ideas which helps people build strong relationships at home and in the workplace. It helps us learn how we operate as individuals, develop under-utilised aspects of ourselves, and learn about different types of people we encounter.

The Future Leader Group uses MBTI in our coaching and team development. It serves to bring an understanding of personality type – fostering greater self-awareness and self-acceptance – that sets a solid framework for self-development.


MBTI assessment:

  • Self-awareness

    • Become more self-aware

    • Identify and develop strengths
      and weaknesses

    • Create a personal development plan

    • Increase emotional intelligence

    • Reduce stress

  • Career development

    • Cultivate a targeted career development plan

    • Play to an individual’s strengths

    • Identify gaps in the team

    • Discover how your team style works best with customers

    • Support through life transitions

    • Develop leaders, managers, teams and HR expertise

  • Inter-personal

    • Avoid and resolve conflicts

    • Create and maintain cohesive relationships

    • Improve communication skills

    • Provide managers with the understanding to give effective feedback

    • Work together more effectively

    • Encourage team members to understand and appreciate different strengths

    • Improve and change culture

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The Leadership Circle 360 Profile

Most 360° profiles focus on either Management Style and Personality, Competencies, or Underlying Tendencies. The Leadership Circle Profile combines all three of these areas into one comprehensive, accessible tool:

  • Creative Competencies - well-researched competencies measuring how you achieve results, bring out the best in others, lead with vision, enhance your own development, act with integrity and courage, and improve organisational systems.

  • Reactive Tendencies – identify self-limiting leadership styles that emphasise caution over creating results, self-protection over productive engagement, and aggression over building alignment.

  • Personality – see how the leader’s inner world of thought translates into a productive or unproductive style of leadership, increasing the inner awareness that affects outward behaviour.

The Leadership Circle (TLC) Profile provides leaders with 360 degree feedback. It is the only instrument that measures two primary leadership domains – Creative Competencies and Reactive Tendencies – and integrates this information so that key opportunities for leadership development immediately rise to the surface.


As an organisation, you can benchmark leaders to enhance intentional leadership development methods and change your organisational culture and effectiveness. It also fits with the Leadership Culture Survey, which can be used in combination. 

The Future Leader Group is qualified to deliver the Leadership Circle Profile assessment and debrief process, specifically tailored to each person.

Organisational Culture Survey

The Future Leader is a Certified Practitioner in assessing and debriefing the Leadership Culture Survey.

  • Measures 31 dimensions of culture: organised into eight summary dimensions and displayed in the same circular format as the inner circle of the Leadership Circle Profile. Eight dimensions are summarised into two measures of overall organisational health.

  • Break-out reports can easily be produced on every sub-group in an organisation from a team through to the entire organisation.

  • Taps into an ever-growing norm base that allows for your organisation to be compared to the total norm base and/or to any industry group(s) that provide for valid comparisons.

Leadership Culture Survey

The Leadership Culture Survey™ (LCS) delivers a powerful litmus test of your leadership culture. Used for your entire organisation - or just a leadership executive team - the Leadership Culture Survey tells you how your people view their current leadership culture and compares that reality to the optimal culture they desire. The “gap” between data on the current culture and the desired outcome instantly reveals key opportunities for leadership development. The Leadership Culture Survey also measures how your leadership culture compares to that of other organisations.

“"Effective, collective leadership is your one competitive and strategic advantage that no one can copy.”
~Dave Schrader, PhD 


The MAXIMISERS assessment tool is designed to offer respondents a profile, or “map” of their current development.
The resulting MAP profile helps us define what strengths to draw on and the principles to work on in achieving specific goals.

MAXIMISERS Assessment Profile

This assessment tool helps people create balance across all seven dimensions of life, utilising 10 timeless principles that shape their attitude, beliefs and behaviour.


The Future Leader Group uses the MAXIMISERS profile tool to capture how leaders think and what they do to move towards success. Each person already has a level of competence with all 10 factors, so the issue on any one of the elements is just a matter of degree.

Cultural Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence
Leadership Circle Profile
Leadership Culture Survey



Enneagram Integrative9

"The Enneagram doesn’t put you in a box. It shows you the box you’re already in and how to get out of it."



The Enneagram is an ancient personality tool that identifies nine 'types' - or ways of seeing the world. It is a profoundly powerful way to uncover core motivation and to reveal the triggers and defences that can get in the way of real growth.

The Integrative9 is a world-leading assessment that employs a dynamic, intuitive system to uncover the core type and sub type. Individuals receive a comprehensive report that reveals helpful insights and development opportunities in areas such as communication, decision making and leadership.

Each of the nine types has a journey of transformation to pursue growth and manage stress more effectively. 

The Future Leader Group uses Enneagram in our coaching and team development. Through understanding the core type of team members, leaders can more effectively motivate and manage their people.


The tool also provides a deeper respect and understanding among team members, thereby minimising frustration and maximising group cohesion.

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Emotional Intelligence (EQi)

Emotional Intelligence (EQi)

Emotionally intelligent leaders understand their effect on others, are able to handle pressure and stress and manage themselves accordingly.


The Future Leader Group offers a range of Emotional Intelligence assessments, primarily focused on leadership.


The EQ-i 2.0 Leadership Report places EQ results in the context of four dimensions of a transformational leadership model, identifying how the person responds across several key indicators that can impact their success.


The Leader EQ 360 report is a more in-depth profile, gathering feedback from a range of people within the leader’s network to help hone and develop their leadership capacity. High impact, deep change.

With a minimum of 3-4 per group, we can obtain some excellent comparisons between the EQ ratings of the manager who is being rated and how their various rater groups rate them. From a discussion of these results and coaching, a development plan can be co-created.


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© 2023 The Future Leader Group

Site by Alpha Zulu Creative

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